Meta Unveils Orion AR Glasses – What it Means for Your Business

3 Minutes Read

Recently, Meta announced their long-speculated Orion AR glasses and the tech world lit up. They’re calling it the “next big leap” in computing. But what does that actually mean for businesses like yours? And how can you start leveraging this tech before everyone else catches on?

In the world of tech, it’s easy to get swept up in what’s next. New product launches, groundbreaking hardware, endless speculation about what’s coming down the line, it’s all exciting stuff. But when you’re running a business or leading a department, you’re more focused on what’s going to make an impact today.

We get it. We’re not here to push tech for the sake of it. We’re here to help you explore and adopt AR and Extended Reality (XR) for your challenge and need and bring value to your business right now.

The Future of AR: It’s Already Happening

Meta’s Orion AR glasses are impressive and they are part of a movement that could change the way we interact with technology. But the future of AR isn’t something we need to wait for. In many ways it’s already here.

In fact, AR is already being used to solve real business challenges in areas like:

  • Remote Expertise: Imagine a technician working on complex machinery, guided in real-time by a remote expert, all while keeping their hands free.
  • Training on the Job: New team members can follow AR overlays to learn step-by-step, cutting down on mistakes and getting up to speed faster.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Global teams can see the same data, interact with the same digital tools, and collaborate seamlessly across time zones.

These aren’t futuristic concepts, they’re happening now in enterprise and commercial settings. Saving time. Saving money. Supporting teams of all sorts.

Breaking Through the Consumer Hype

It’s easy to get distracted by the consumer buzz around AR glasses. But the real value, especially in the near term, lies with enterprise. We don’t advise waiting for the perfect AR product to arrive – your competitors will likely have leapt ahead by then. Our AppliedXR® approach is to find your use cases for this technology that work in the immediate short term and develop over time.

Meta’s Orion glasses are still in development and likely won’t be widely available for a few years, but that doesn’t mean we need to sit and wait. The tech for enterprise applications is already here. It’s just about knowing how to tap into it. The shift towards AR wearables - whether it’s for remote workers, customer service, or field operations - can start making a difference in your business long before they hit mainstream consumer markets.

Why AR Glasses Are Ready for Enterprise

So, why should your business care about AR glasses right now? Simple. They offer real, tangible benefits:

  • Hands-Free Efficiency: With AR glasses, workers can access information and perform tasks without ever having to stop and pull out a device. That’s game-changing for industries where hands-on work is essential.
  • Real-Time Information: Employees can get immediate, real-time data overlays that help them make better decisions on the fly.
  • AI-Enhanced Workflows: As AR glasses integrate more AI capabilities, you’re looking at smarter, faster ways of working - from sorting through parts in manufacturing to providing customer service in the field.

The question isn’t whether AR glasses will become mainstream. The real question is how businesses can take advantage of this tech right now, while the competition is still figuring it out.

Moving Forward: How to Start Using AR in Your Business

We tell our clients: Don’t sit on the fence waiting for the “next big thing.” Start by taking a practical, iterative approach to applying technology. You don’t need to overhaul everything at once or dive headfirst into every new trend. Instead:

  1. Define Your Goals: What specific problems could AR glasses solve in your business? Whether it’s boosting efficiency, improving training, or enhancing customer experiences, set clear objectives and metrics.
  2. Start Small: Begin with pilot projects to test the tech in a controlled and measurable way. Get feedback, see how it works for your team, and adjust as needed before scaling.
  3. Iterate and Improve: Technology is always evolving. Rather than waiting for a perfect, one-size-fits-all solution, adopt an iterative approach to try things and move forward quickly. Test new tools, improve on the go, and keep building your strategy.

AR glasses are a powerful tool, but like any technology, their value comes from how you use them.

What’s Next for You?

We’re passionate about helping businesses understand how XR can create real, measurable value today, not just tomorrow. Meta’s Orion AR glasses are a glimpse into the future, but you don’t have to wait to start exploring what AR can do for your business. There are already countless ways to use this technology to stay ahead of the curve, improve efficiency, and boost collaboration across your teams.

Want to know how AR could transform your business? Want to see how AppliedXR® can help you get there? We’d love to chat.

(Image credit: Meta)

Picture of Ian Ravenscroft

Ian Ravenscroft

XR Strategy Lead at Juice Immersive
