Navigating the Digital Playground

The NSPCC has long been at the forefront of child protection, but with the rise of online gaming, they faced a new challenge: how to ensure the safety of children in these digital playgrounds. Recognising the shift in children's activities towards gaming and the Metaverse, the NSPCC sought to establish a presence in this space, aiming to safeguard young gamers from bullying, harassment, and grooming. To achieve this, they partnered with us to navigate these uncharted waters.

The NSPCC needed to establish a presence in the gaming space to protect children from online threats like bullying, harassment, and grooming, but lacked the expertise to navigate this expansive industry.
We conducted design thinking workshops and leveraged our network of gaming studios, developers, and industry professionals to connect the NSPCC with key players. This collaboration culminated in the Game Safe Festival and Industry Roundtable event, which provided valuable insights and strategies.
The NSPCC’s entry into the gaming space has heightened awareness and provided tools for safer online gaming experiences for children. The ongoing industry collaboration has created a unified effort to address and mitigate online threats, ensuring a safer digital environment for young gamers.

Understanding the Problem

Our journey began with several design thinking workshops aimed at diving deep into the NSPCC’s objectives and the unique challenges they face in the gaming space. Issues like bullying, harassment, and grooming were top concerns. Despite never having ventured into gaming, the NSPCC recognised the necessity of their presence in this realm to protect children who now spend significant time online. Our role was to guide them through their first foray into this expansive and unfamiliar industry.

Through these workshops, we gained a comprehensive understanding of what the NSPCC wanted to achieve and the problems they needed to address. By engaging directly with the organisation, we explored potential strategies and solutions, laying the groundwork for their entry into the gaming world.

Leveraging Industry Expertise

Given the NSPCC's lack of gaming expertise, we fast-tracked their learning by connecting them with our extensive network of studios, developers, platforms, and distributors. This collaboration was instrumental in bridging the gap between the NSPCC and the gaming community.

Game Safe Festival and Industry Roundtable

A key milestone was the Game Safe Festival and Industry Roundtable event. This event included presentations, a panel discussion hosted by our co-founder and creative director Owen Cottrell, and a series of workshops. The industry roundtable was particularly impactful, gathering contributions from gaming professionals on the issues at hand and how the NSPCC could help make gaming safer. All participating organisations pledged ongoing support to continue these vital conversations.

Engaging Young Voices

Understanding that young people are the primary stakeholders in this initiative, we conducted a design thinking workshop with them. This session was crucial in co-designing solutions with young people, ensuring their unique perspectives and challenges were at the forefront of our strategy.


Impact and Future Steps

The NSPCC's entry into the gaming space has already begun to make a significant impact. The Game Safe Festival raised awareness and equipped parents and children with the tools needed to navigate the digital landscape safely. The industry roundtable fostered a sense of shared responsibility among gaming professionals, marking the beginning of a collaborative effort to protect young gamers.

Our partnership with the NSPCC is a testament to the power of collaboration and innovation. By combining their expertise in child protection with our industry connections and design thinking approach, we've paved the way for a safer gaming environment. This project underscores the importance of adapting to new challenges and finding creative solutions to protect the most vulnerable among us. Together, we're ensuring that the digital playgrounds of today are safe havens for children.